Use "blood is thicker than water|blood be thick than water" in a sentence

1. Blood is thicker than water.

2. They say blood is thicker than water.

3. Blood is indeed thicker than water, you traitor...

4. Rick: They say blood is thicker than water.

5. For most cannibals, blood is thicker than water.

6. Blood is thicker than water. Our veins are bounded.

7. Sure thing, sis. I always will be. Blood is thicker than water.

8. Families have their problems and jealousies, but blood is thicker than water.

9. Blood is thicker than water, and Bill was part of the dynasty.

10. I'd trust a relative over a friend: blood is thicker than water.

11. Blood is thicker than water, but how did he know you were back?

12. Mr. Jones hires relatives to work in his store. Blood is thicker than water.

13. Mr Jackson hires relatives to work in his stores. Blood is thicker than water.

14. Blood being thicker than water, he repeated, word for faltering word, everything his brother Henry had stated.

15. All that stuff about blood being thicker than water, thought Miss Watson robustly, was a lot of eyewash!

16. It runs in my veins - thicker than blood.

17. Blood in the water.

18. Swimming in seawater would result in shrinkage, since, from a chemical standpoint, salt water is more concentrated than blood.

19. There's blood in the water.

20. a family is more than blood.

21. Seltzer water and lemon for blood.

22. Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water.

23. Salt water is more Buoyant than fresh water

24. Thick and wavy-grained like smoke, but thicker, like water, and a glass doorknob.

25. Salt water is much more conductive than fresh water is.

26. Plasma is the protein-rich water that remains when red and white blood cells are removed from blood.

27. Salt water has more buoyancy than fresh water.

28. He exulted in the communion of blood and water.

29. 2 It drinks blood coconut water and palm oil.

30. Beluga skin is ten times thicker than dolphin skin and one hundred times thicker than terrestrial mammal skin

31. 3 Salt water has more buoyancy than fresh water.

32. If RBCs die more rapidly than normal, Bilirubin levels in the blood will be higher than normal

33. 20 He exulted in the communion of blood and water.

34. The shallow water around him was red with his blood.

35. 2 Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.

36. This is faster than the surrounding water velocity.

37. Water with a pH less than 7 tends to be acidic while water of pH above 7 is alkaline .

38. However, research suggests that Alkaline water is unlikely to significantly change blood pH.

39. Do you know, the cobblestones couldn't be seen for the blood which swilled like water?

40. Having a higher-than-normal blood calcium level is called hyperCalcemia.

41. The water potential in blood will decrease due to the increase solutes, and blood osmotic pressure will increase.

42. The truth is, Marcellus, family can be more than just those with whom we share blood.

43. The blood of the martyrs Will water the meadows of France!

44. In turbid water the depth to which corals grow will be more limited than in clear water.

45. It was better than an analgesic in her blood.

46. Water changes, with high nitrates in your tap water, are therefore less effective than they might be.

47. It was more than flesh and blood could bear.

48. 8 It'seems keener on blood transfusions than on bloodletting.

49. Albumin is a water soluble protein, and it is present in blood plasma in abundance.

50. On a blood test, if blood cholesterol levels are lower than 170, it is possible there is a Bile acid insufficiency.

51. Bromate is usually found in drinking water as a result of water treatment, rather than through source water contamination

52. It is used to treat low blood sugar or water loss without electrolyte loss.

53. Arterioles are small blood vessels that are smaller than arteries, but larger than capillaries

54. Thick blood equals clots equals respiratory distress.

55. Thus water with pH 4 is more corrosive ( 10 times ) than water with pH 5 .

56. Cold water can absorb DO to a greater extent than warm water.

57. Note that under certain meteorological conditions the water may fall lower than this meaning that there is less water than shown on charts.

58. Blacks develop high blood pressure earlier in life -- and with much higher blood pressure levels -- than whites

59. The pressure Canner is specifically designed to obtain temperatures higher than can be reached with a boiling water or water bath Canner

60. Water of pH 3 is still more corrosive ( 100 times ) than water having a pH 5 .

61. The Mpemba effect is a process in which hot water can freeze faster than cold water.

62. I consider deep-water Cranking to be anything deeper than 10 feet

63. The blood had congealed in thick black clots.

64. In many ways, bottled water is less regulated than tap.

65. Some Arbs are better at lowering blood pressure than others

66. Acidosis occurs when the blood becomes more acidic than normal

67. Acetanilide has a much higher solubility in hot water than in cold water.

68. Acidic water refers to water with a pH of less than 7 (1)

69. If your alcohol level in you blood is higher than permitted, you will be revoked your driver licence.

70. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!

71. Because it is closer to the Sun than Earth, Venus probably contained less water than Earth.

72. Seabirds are attracted by the smell of fresh blood rising from the water.

73. They point out that the composition of blood “is amazingly similar to that of ‘sea water.’”

74. Alcohol has a lower freezing point than water.

75. Laminitis: different mode of action of improving blood flow to the digit than alternative (acepromazine); reduces blood viscosity and improves blood flow to the digit.

76. A high Agglutinin level requires taking another red blood cell count, sometimes after replacing the blood plasma (which contains Agglutinins) with water.

77. Chemicals in showering water vaporize at a much faster rate than the actual water.

78. Red blood cells are much smaller than most other human cells.

79. Radon is appreciably more soluble in organic liquids than in water.

80. Cannon to them is flesh and blood rather than a camera or a camcorder.